"Smoky" Fermented Chilli Sauce 250ml
"Smoky" Fermented Chilli Sauce 250ml
A deliciously rich combo of fresh cayenne, dried chipotle, garlic and shallots. Naturally lacto-fermented for a minimum of three months for maximum flavour. Post ferment the sauce is processed with apple cider vinegar. Nothing else. No fillers, all flavour!
Our best-seller for a reason --- Smoky is earthy, tangy and vibrant. Thicker than our other sauces, it's perfect with BBQ'd meats and Mexican food.
Our sauces are made with all natural ingredients - raw, vegan, probiotic, gluten and sugar free. Packed with good bacteria and tasty as hell.
*All of our hot sauces are raw and unpasturised. They must remain refrigerated once opened. Once opened they will happily live in the fridge for 2 years.
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